วันพุธที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Kanthida Woonkong’s micro teaching

           She started the lesson by greeting and checking students’ attendance. After that, she taught vocabulary by let students listening audio and guess what the words that they heard.  Next, she checked understanding of students about meaning of the vocabulary.  Then, she taught the conversation about how to asking and giving direction and let student practice by divided students into two groups.
          Additionally, she divided students to do group work four or five students in each group. The students have to design situation for practice conversation with their friends. Moreover, she assigned task for the students by drawing map and create conversation with their group and presented in front of the class. Finally, she taught grammar how to asking and giving direction sentences.

           I would like to say that she speaks loudly but some word does not clear. Her personality is good. She walked around classroom and try to observe students in class. She used appropriate authentic materials such as word cards, picture cards, flash cards, map etc. Overall is good. 

