Flipped Classroom (Inverting your class)
Flipping the classroom, or ‘inverted teaching’ is a
response to the idea that class time can be used to engage students in learning
through active learning techniques, rather than through delivering lectures
alone. Flipping the classroom is the process of replacing traditional lectures
with more student-centered learning strategies, such as active learning,
discussions, problem-based learning, and other forms of group work and peer
instruction. Content delivery is moved outside of the classroom, for example,
through videos, or pre-class readings.
The Flipped Classroom Model basically involves
encouraging students to prepare for the lesson before class. Thus, the class
becomes a dynamic environment in which students elaborate on what they have
already studied. Students prepare a topic at home so that the class the next
day can be devoted to answering any questions they have about the topic. This
allows students to go beyond their normal boundaries and explore their natural
Exam Time’s free online learning tools can be
integrated into the Flipped Classroom teaching model. Using Exam Time, you can
easily share resources with a group, in this case a class, allowing students to
study these resources from home and prepare for the next class.