วันอังคารที่ 19 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Learning English inside the classroom (18/ 08/ 2557)

                        How to create the objective in the lesson plan

Today, my teacher teaches how to create the objective in the lesson plan. Firstly, we have to study curriculum, standard and indicator (communicative competence). There are two kinds of objective that is terminal objective and enabling objective. In each objective we have to include three parts; performance, condition and standard. And we must follow steps of writing lesson plan; 1. search 2. process 3. synthesis 4. evaluate  5. write.
Terminal objective (TOs) is highest level of learning that a student will accomplish after successfully completing the learning process. A  terminal  objective  is  a  specific  statement  of  the  performance expected  from  a  student  as  the  result  of  training.  It  expresses  the  behavior  to  be  exhibited,  the condition(s)  under  which  it  is  to  be  exhibited,  and  the  standard  to  which  it  will  be  performed. TOs directly support the course  mission  statement.
Enabling objective (EOs) : An  enabling  objective  is  a  specific  statement  of  the  behavior  to be exhibited,  condition(s)  under  which  it  is  to  be  exhibited,  and  the  standard  to  which  it  will  be performed.   Enabling   objectives   contain   conditions   and   standards   appropriate   to   the   training environment, including knowledge and skills that support a terminal objective.
Designing the lesson plan we should follow the steps of writing lesson plan. Objectives include three parts; performance, condition and standard. Thanks for our teacher to guide us how to design the objective in the lesson plan correctly. 

